We played a game of Starcaft… I played TF2 and Isaac,

well other people played just dance (2014) and weaved… with tree
I’m getting a little better at starcraft and I want to get better at rocket jumping as soldier.
Q 1: what was something you did today without electricity?
A: Umm… Drank water???
Q 2: What are things you are thankful for ? cuz thanksgiving
A: 1 Medics and health kits
2 Luck
5 The great voice actors of the games…. that…. I…… play
I didn’t do too much to day,
Played some Isaac challenges, I wanted to play starcraft but… nobody really played a game.
Guns are cool

That’s it… we watched a small LWT thing……………. FIN
Q1: what were 5 emotions you had today
A: 1 hungry 2 not hungry 3 happy 4 undecided 5 undecided

We did web dev, improv and I played some TBoI….
Thats all I can remember
Neat stuff!
Q: What was the most productive thing you did today
A: web dev stuff… uh typing paragraphs…… Idk
I don’t know how to blog, I just list the things that I do because Idk how to go into detail.
How many of these do you agree with?

Americans are dumb/annoying

they are also fat

and very rarely smart

We cooked fried rice…. then ate it the end
Q2: what was the biggest experience today
A:killing mega satan

then we did more improv sssstuff
and the rest I don’t remember
Q1: what was hell for you today
A: nothing if you picked any other day to ask this question I would have an answer
the end
We…… played hide and seek after playing just dance on PS4
Q of the day 1 : Things to do in the future
play skyrim eventually

complete HL2 EP3 if it comes out and……. I cant answer that
Q2: What was your biggest accomplishment today?
A: golden god
I really cant think of something to put into this blog and I’m in a hurry so ………..*#)@&(@^!)*&#^% CRASHED AGAIN
We made smoothies today and I unlocked the D6 in Issac
GUN LEASH get for your pets

then we went for a swim in the pool
after that we had a meeting to get a better idea of what we were going to do for web dev
Q: what sucks about being sick
A: lasting a long time, PAIN, VOMIT, Sleeping and missing out on life and a possibility of death….
…like this guy

watch this for a few hours instead of reading the rest of this
we played the game of life… I really don’t know how to go into details
and we did a web dev meeting
cool Issac combo that I found

here some pots

We did more improv stuff today
and watched a movie after some story telling by….
)@&#^%&#%()#**$*$@(#+(*#()$ GOOLE MAPS HAS CRASHED

after that I defeated Issac as Judas
and then we talked about… farming or something
5 things I would want to do more of…
1Improvofcorse 2 play games forever 3 watch more movies
4 number stuff cuz its really useful
5 browse imgur more
I… did improv……..stuff with my group
beat browny in super meat boy
did philosifee at the park
and LWT
I wish we had more time for philo stuff today……….. the end
now go read a more intresting post
Dark bum gives you soul hearts
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